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欧洲精准医学会议 (EPMC)

欧洲精准医学会议 (EPMC) 已过期

会议时间:2019-09-23 09:00至 2019-09-25 18:00结束

会议地点: London  详细地址会前通知  None


主办单位: Magnus Group

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        Magnus Groupis delighted to invite you to theEuropean Precision Medicine Conferencescheduled onSeptember 23-25, 2019 in London, UK. It is based on the theme“Latest Innovations in Precision Medicine.”

        EPMC 2019 conference will bring together most senior level attendees from the academic world, research institutes and pharma companies to discuss the current challenges and future viewpoints of precision medicine. This event provides an ideal podium to contribute formal one to one meetings and informal networking with other key business figures, as well as providing breaks to exchange ideas with specific and most influential professionals in the field.







        Scope of the Congress:

        The main scope of the conference is to interchange and advance the data from varied Scientists, analysts, academicians. In addition the most important stage to achieve large data with wide acclaimed speakers, latest ways, strategies, and also the most up to now makeovers and emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention of individual person health.


        Guidelines for Speakers:

        The meeting room is equipped with digital projector, screen & laptop, and we encourage speakers to submit the slides 3 days prior to the event. However, you can use your own laptops for the presentation and/or demonstration under unavoidable conditions. Please let us know if you need any other special requirements or software’s to be installed in the podium laptop.

        Speakers have 20 minutes for their talk, plus time for questions (controlled by session chair).

        Guidelines for Poster Presenters:

        Poster boards (1 meter x 1 meter) with poster numbers and pasting materials will be provided to each presenter. We encourage you to paste the posters 1 hour prior to the start time of poster sessions as per the final program.

        Poster evaluation and Certificate distribution will be done by the judges. Poster awards will be presented on day 3 during closing ceremony.


        All the attendees will be provided with delegate certification signed by the organizing committee member. Name and affiliation on the certificates will be printed on certificates as per our records, for any changes or requests regarding the certification— please contact us before one month of the conference.

        E-Poster Presentation:

        E-Posters Presenter is not required to join the conference in person. The Poster ( in PDF form ) will be electronically projected during the poster session area. E poster abstract will be published in abstract book proceedings. Presenters will be provided with E-certificate during the post conference works.



        EPMC 2019 Scientific Sessions:

        1. Patient-Centered Care

        2. Precision Public Health

        3. Personalized therapies

        4. Product Development and Commercialization Challenges

        5. Disease Prevention Strategies and Medical Treatments

        6. Rare Diseases/Disorders and Orphan Drugs

        7. Biomarkers and Precision Medicine

        8. Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine

        9. Precision Immunotherapy

        10. Big Data for Precision Medicine

        11. Companion Diagnostics in Precision Medicine

        12. Theragnosis

        13. Ethics in precision medicine

        14. Regulatory Affairs

        15. Precision diagnostics

        16. Wearable technology : Precision Medicine

        17. Artificial intelligence : Precision medicine

        18. Precision medicine in guiding clinical trials

        19. Translational Informatics

        20. Diversity in Precision Medicine

        21. Gene Editing, Microbiome and Neoantigens


        Ewa Danuta Bialek

        Institute Of Psychosynthesis®, Poland


        Edmund Pezalla

        Enlightenment Bioconsult, LLC, USA


        Sergey Suchkov

        Sechenov University, Russia


        Kenji Suzuki

        Tokyo Institute Of Technology, Japan


        Henry M. Sobell

        University Of Rochester, USA


        Antonio Ruggiero

        Catholic University Of Rome, Rome


        David I Smith

        Mayo Clinic, USA


        Rania Bakkar

        Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA


        Dionisio Acosta

        Institute Of Health Informatics, University College London, UK






        主办方:Magnus Group

        酒店与住宿: 为防止极端情况下活动延期或取消,建议“异地客户”与活动家客服确认参会信息后,再安排出行与住宿。
        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。




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